Temperature controlled

All cat suites are fitted with underfloor heating to maintain a pleasant temperature. An air conditioning unit keeps cats safe and comfortable on hot summer days.



Standard cat suites have a UPVC double glazed window overlooking their individual outdoor area. Family suites have double aspect view. All cats have views of the countryside and bird feeders from the warmth and comfort of their room.


Access to outdoors

All suites have access to their own private covered outdoor area to allow them to burn energy or just relax in the fresh air and sunshine.


Indoor and Outdoor CCTV

Each cat suite has its own individual camera which allows monitoring of timid and shy guests as they settle in... peace of mind for me, unobtrusive for them.


On-site kitchen

A food preparation and kitchen area ensures that the cats can see Carol at all times, giving them companionship and reassurance while she prepares their food.



Carol is a passionate cat lover and enjoys spending lots of time with each guest to ensure they are happy and stimulated. She understands cats and tends to their individual requirements.